4 Tips For Buying Forklift Parts in Indiana

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No forklift fleet runs perfectly. Even with the proper maintenance and care, chances are you’re going to need to replace a part somewhere down the road.

Fleet managers know all too well that shopping for forklift parts can be tricky, navigating around all the different options and trying to find the best price. To make life a little easier, here are 4 tips for buying forklift parts in Indiana.

1. Always Consult With The Manufacturer or Certified Dealer

It usually comes to the equipment manager or warehouse manager to order new parts. The problem is the exact specifics of what you need can get lost in translation as it goes up the chain from forklift operator to supervisor and so forth.

So instead of having the manager search through an online catalog, be sure to speak directly with a rep from the manufacturer or from a certified dealer to make sure you’re buying exactly what you need. The last thing you need in your operation is guesswork, so make use of the resources at your disposal.

2. Record and Give All The Relevant Information About Your Forklift

It’s not just the make, model, and serial number of your forklift you should be giving a forklift parts dealer. If you can supply other relevant info, you can probably narrow down your search considerably.

For example, say you’re looking for a part for one of your older lift trucks. If you give your dealer the truck’s mileage and work hours, they could find you a refurbished part that’s better suited to the forklift. That can help you avoid overpaying for a brand new part for a forklift that only has a few years left in it.

3. Take Photos of The Forklift Part You Need

Similar to the first point, a lot can get lost in translation when talking about what forklift parts you need. For some parts, the difference between different makes and models is negligible, while others are worlds apart.

Additionally, some teams refer to different forklift parts differently, which can add to the confusion.

A quick cell phone picture of the part you’re looking to replace can go a long way to help you find the right replacement part, especially if you’re scrolling through supplier catalogs or talking directly with a forklift dealer.

4. Get A Guarantee, In Writing

Even if it’s just for peace of mind, make sure to get a guarantee on any and all forklift parts you order for your team. Worst case scenario: you finally get the part shipped, only to find it’s not quite the right one for your forklift. Then you’re out both the downtime and the extra money to ship it back and get a different one.

Be sure to work with a forklift parts dealer that is willing to give you a guarantee on all new and used forklift parts. So turn to Tynan, your Indiana material handling experts. Call us for any of your forklift needs at 317-597-4003 today.
Make buying forklift parts easier with help from Indiana's forklift experts at Tynan.

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