How To Use A Forklift For Cold Storage In Indiana

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Forklifts can endure a lot of wear and tear, but using them in cold storage environments like warehouses for Indiana food or pharmaceutical businesses is another matter. Below-freezing temperatures can cause problems that stop your forklift fleet in its tracks. That’s why it’s vital to take care of tires, batteries, and fluids for forklifts for cold storage in Indiana.

Prevent Accidents With Cold-Prepped Or Siped Tires

When using a forklift for cold storage work in Indiana, be aware of how moisture can affect your work environment. Humidity in cold storage rooms can freeze and create slippery conditions. If ice is allowed to form on truck tires, it could spell disaster. To avoid accidents, use cold storage lifts that come outfitted with cold-prepped or siped tires that are suited for such hazards.

Cold-prepped tires have a “walnut” surfacing. Ground-up walnut shells mixed into the rubber treads increase traction and reduce moisture and ice buildup. Siped tires have thin slits cut into the tire material--often polyurethane for cold conditions. This texture gives forklift tires a better grip on smooth or wet floors like in a cold warehouse. Both kinds of tires give operators better control over their trucks on slick surfaces and reduce the risk of accidents that can harm stock, equipment, and people.

Avoid Extreme Temperature Changes To Preserve The Battery

Operating in a cold environment can decrease a forklift’s battery life faster than usual. You can save battery life by reducing the stress put on it.

Avoid subjecting batteries to sudden temperature changes. Condensation from moving between hot and cold areas can disrupt battery function. Slowly transition a forklift into a cold environment by using a buffer zone with ambient temperature. Try to avoid driving a lift back and forth between warm and cold storage. Finally, at the end of a shift, park the forklift in the buffer zone to let excess condensation evaporate before storing the truck.

When not in use, store your Indiana operation’s forklifts in a warm area and keep batteries on charge. This practice gives batteries time to “rest” out of the cold and ensures they have a full charge when you take them into freezing temperatures. A battery works better under any conditions when it begins with a full charge.

Optimize Performance With The Right Fluids

Condensation isn’t the only liquid to worry about for forklifts in cold warehouses. To optimize cold storage forklift performance, check the temperature ranges for oils and grease before using them. Fluids like oils and grease can thicken in freezing temperatures and slow hydraulic functions.

You will need to use low viscosity products that are not affected by the cold. These special oils keep your forklift lubricated and powered no matter how chilly your forklifts get. Your lifts will operate at peak performance and last longer with fewer professional repairs when you use the appropriate fluids.

Get the Most Out of Your Forklift For Cold Storage In Indiana

When you need forklifts for cold storage in Indiana, Tynan is your preferred forklift dealer. We lease and sell both used and new lifts that are suitable for all work environments. If you have questions about how to outfit a cold storage truck for its best performance, just call our experts at 317-597-4003, and we’ll be happy to discuss your needs.

Keeping up to date with your forklift maintenance will ensure optimal performance in below freezing temperatures.

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